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376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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Security solutions

Security solutions


Don't give hackers and cybercriminals a chance!



In times of ever-increasing cyber attacks like emotet, risky activities by users, suspicious traffic, or unknown threats like ransomware, bots and worms, it is essential to detect these threats and protect your network!


Negligence can give rise to an existential threat.


A virus protection program alone is no longer nearly enough!
To minimize security risks, your IT network infrastructure needs comprehensive protection.


Find out more about Atelios Security solutions today. We will be happy to advise you individually.


We look forward to your inquiry!

Sophos XG Firewall

The firewall offers comprehensive next-generation firewall protection that blocks unknown malware such as encryption trojans. As the only network security solution, Firewall XG can fully identify the source of an infection and automatically restrict access to other network resources in response. Maximum transparency uncovers users at risk or unknown applications.

Intel's next-generation multi-core technology delivers optimal performance and efficiency, so your users and mission-critical web applications work without any delay.

The ideal balance between performance and security.

Sophos Wireless Access Points

Secure and reliable WLAN access throughout the company.

Provide controlled Internet access to your visitors, remote workers and other guests on your network. With a daily password or time-limited account, you can customize guest access to meet your own service requirements.

Another advantage of the wireless solution is its scalability. Whether you have a growing network or multiple sites, you can expand your wireless network by simply adding another access point.

Simple. Fast. Secure.

Sophos RED

Turn any location into a safe location.

You have branch offices with several employees and want to integrate them easily into your company network? Then the RED device is an easy solution to integrate remote offices into your existing infrastructure if it is already protected by Sophos Firewall XG.

Protect your company data, ensure the availability of your systems and prevent hardware failures.

Sophos Intercept X Endpoint Protection

Protect your Windows, Mac and Linux systems from malware and other endpoint threats.

Seamless integration with the endpoint agent makes it easy to enforce policies for web, applications, devices, and data. Whether users are working inside or outside the corporate network.

In case of suspicious activity (e.g. virus infection on a device), it is automatically isolated from the network to prevent further spreading.

Automatic reaction to incidents by synchronizing security between the endpoints and the firewall.


One step ahead of the cyber threat.

Try our security solutions now free of charge and without obligation! Secure Internet - everywhere!

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